Category: the horror

  • Facebook news: divorced from the facts

    Everyone loves a good Facebook news story – or rather, a bad one. And over the past few days, a classic has emerged: Facebook will wreck your marriage. See for example: Facebook cited in 20% of U.S. divorces (CBC News): “Facebook use has been cited in 1 of 5 U.S. divorce cases, according to a…

  • South by SouthEastern, continued.

    The fallout from SouthEastern Railway’s utter failure to cope with the recent snow continues, and you’ll find a good summary of the latest developments here. One thing to add is that, of the three politicans I contacted, one has sent a proper reply. Bridget Prentice MP (for Lewisham East) confirmed receipt of my letter via…

  • SouthEastern Railways – the Network Rail response

    On Tuesday night, with snow forecast for the South East, SouthEastern railways introduced an emergency timetable for Wednesday. As it happens, South Eastern London didn’t see that much snow, but with fewer and shorter trains serving the area on Wednesday morning, Hither Green station looked a bit like this: All the trains were packed, and…